Sarris Candies, known for not only its superior rich taste, but adherence to high quality standards and exceptional customer service for over 50 years, has evolved into the epitome of the American dream.
There are many facets to the success of Sarris Candies Inc.
Today Sarris offers its fundraising programs to local schools and churches and a number of groups and athletic teams along with a generous profit structure.
As fundraising areas expand, the retail division closely follows, pushing into new territories to feature the most popular items in retail outlets throughout the area. Sarris Candies can now be found in over 1200 locations in more than 10 states.
The Sarris mail order business that began with the publication of the first catalog in 1985, has grown in many directions over the years, currently leading faithful Sarris customers to an expanding website, making access to Sarris chocolates possible worldwide.
Corporate sales feature a sophisticated array of gifts that hundreds of companies send to their customers, associates and employees each year to impress or say “Thank You.” Personal attention to detail and customization is what makes Sarris stand out.
In today’s world of accelerating product proliferation, endless customer choice and growing variety in the marketplace, a great brand is a necessity, not a luxury. Taking a long term approach, a great brand can travel worldwide, transcend cultural barriers, and speak to multiple consumer segments simultaneously. Capitalizing on these points, Bill Sarris recognizes the potential of offering Sarris’ products in a greater realm and in different facets of the business in order to reach a broader audience with added customer convenience.